There's No Such Thing as a Free
There is nothing worse than
being duped. Not only do you feel like an idiot, you are left to
pay for an item or service you don・t want. The latest scam is
the ringtone subscription service. Companies advertising free
ringtone downloads, targeted at teenagers, have caught many
users in expensive subscription .clubs・. The con is simple:
Aggressively market your product as :free;, wait until a user
enters their mobile number to access the :free; download, then
send the user 30 ringtones a month at a cost of 5 USD per
ringtone. Premium SMS subscription services, like ringtone
.clubs・ allow mobile phones to be used like credit cards.
Legality is addressed in the terms and conditions agreement, a
small box on the subscription form that must be ticked before
processing. Written in practically illegible 9pt sans serif
text, terms and conditions usually pop up in a small window
which must then be maximised. Typically, the word .subscription・
and service pricing appear only in the terms and conditions. For
By clicking the :COMPLETE; button you agree to subscribe to Any
Club's ringtone service. You will be sent your choice of
ringtone FREE of charge as a bonus for joining Any Club. The
service allows you to download up to 4 ringtones each week. The
US$4.95 charge will be billed to your mobile bill twice per
week. To stop this subscription service at any time, SMS :STOP;,
to short code 77777777. Your phone must be polyphonic
compatible, be Internet-enabled and have text messaging
capability. You must be the owner of this device and either be
at least sixteen years old or have the permission of your parent
or guardian. Artist names used for identification purposes only.
Standard text messaging rates apply. For help contact customer
service at 1-123-456-789.
This standard terms and conditions script can be found at any
ringtone website purporting to provide free content. In
practice, terms and conditions protect the ringtone supplier,
once the box is checked the customer can be said to have
recognised the stipulations of the agreement. Thus the blame is
conveniently shifted from the ringtone supplier, to the
customer. The customer, it is claimed, should have read the
terms despite being (mis)led to the website on the pretense of
free content. Recently, thanks to a spate of consumer
complaints, several ringtone providers have been forced to
change their advertising policy.
In the UK complaints of misleading advertising against ringtone
company Jamster! have been upheld by the Advertising Standards
Authority. In the US a lawsuit has been brought against Jamster!,
accusing the .Crazy Frog・ proprietors of fraud, false
advertising, unfair business practices. Legal action may result
in greater transparency on behalf of operators like Jamster!
However, consumers should recall the cliche :there・s no such
thing as a free lunch;, and be highly suspicious of any website
offering free mobile content. |
