Internet Explorer is the internet browser that is prone to spyware and adware because Microsoft products are usually bundled when you upload any Microsoft program into your personal computer then there is increased likelihood that along with it comes the spyware and adware you are dreading to get. When bundling software the ones who make the programs can add up unwanted programs that automatically install along with the legitimate programs and this is indeed sad news because most of us need these Microsoft programs so we constantly install programs especially when there are new versions without knowing that by doing so we endanger the memory of our personal computers. The effects of these malware can be something a bit annoying as slowing down your personal computer or can be as hazardous as being the cause for a personal computer to crash. It is for this reason that Mac users swear to the fact that Macintosh is so much better than their counterpart. Mac computers are almost always virus free and even though they prevent some programs to run, you would not mind because it usually is because those programs or sites are dangerous to your laptops or computers.
So what can Microsoft Users do to save themselves from imminent danger? One of the most common suggestions is to switch internet or web browsers to Oracle or Mozilla Firefox. Switching browsers will greatly reduce the chances of adware and spyware form invading your most precious memory of your computers. There are also freeware programs available in the internet for free downloading. Downloading the correct freeware program will also help the PC user in fighting spyware and adware.
Ask around from internet experts or read testimonials from actual users on what is the best choice of freeware to download. Beware because some of those available in the internet are just pseudo freeware and are actually spyware and adware carriers as well. One such program that is highly recommended for Microsoft Windows users is Spyware Blaster. It is an anti spyware and adware program that blocks the installation of useless programs from the computer where it is downloaded. Such programs include browser hijackers, ActiveX-based spyware, dialers and adware.
Spyware also has a different technique because while other freeware anti spyware programs start their work after installation claiming to scan the memory of your personal computer after installation and then removing those in the danger list from your memory Spyware works ahead by preventing these vicious malware programs from even coming close to the memory of your computer. What Spyware Blaster does is to blacklist the CLSID of the malware programs and then these programs will not be able to penetrate your computer memory at all. This is the perfect one because more than a solution to an existing problem, it is a preventive tool that will keep you from having the problem in the first place.
Spyware Blaster can be downloaded even when using other web browsers and has other features worth mentioning like allowing the subscriber to thwart privacy hazard such as tracking cookies. Also it automatically restricts any action from websites known to support adware and spyware upon installation. So do not despair if it blocks some websites and take advantage that it is free and download it now after all if the website is really important no legitimate free spyware will block it.
For more information on the best spyware and adware removal software on the internet, please visit